7 Tips to Make Your Vehicle Stand Out


Feb 13, 2023
7 Tips to Make Your Vehicle Stand Out

So, you’ve created a host profile and uploaded all relevant information to make your listing live. But is it enough? Well, not quite. Here are some quick tips to optimize your listing. 

Don’t just aim to rent your vehicle, give your rider the best possible experience – give them that “Friday feeling”. Read on to know how.

Why Rentop to list your idle vehicle?

Rentop gives you an opportunity to generate income when you’re not using your vehicle. Rentop is the world’s first two-wheeler rental ecosystem that lets anybody with an idle vehicle earn money. You can connect with other hosts, be a part of a large rider community, and what’s more – your vehicle can take care of itself!

Here’s how: An average host earns around Rs. 4000-6000 in a month, which offsets a two-wheeler’s maintenance costs along with a profit of around 40%. (in case of a bike or scooter only)

Ready to optimise your listing for 5-star ratings?

Why optimize your listing?

To be noticed: A fully completed profile has 99% more chances of being noticed.

To get more ratings: The more riders see your listing, the more likely they are to pick your two-wheeler, which in turn increases your chances of getting more ratings and reviews.

Don’t just earn, earn 10x more: With each positive review, your chance of getting picked again is upped by 95%.

Solidify your listing: Avoid falling back or appearing unreliable by being active and by completing your profile fully – this includes adding your social links to build trust.


How to optimize your listing

  1. Let the pictures talkUpload a minimum of 4 pictures for a bike/scooter and 3 for a bicycle. Cover all angles possible, and especially the front, either side and rear. In general, pictures tend to appear better in daylight. Don’t try to cover the flaws – let the rider know what they can expect. Add photos of any gear as well if they’re included.Already made your listing live? No problem. You can always go back and edit your listing or add more pictures by clicking on “Your listings” under “Dash” in the host flow of the app.
  2. Optimising your LocationWhile adding your pick-up and drop-off point, make sure to add the nearest landmark or popular attraction/s nearby so that the rider can easily identify your location. Remember that not all riders are from the city, so they may be unaware of your locality/area.
  3. Polish your vehicle’s bioWhile sharing your vehicle’s information, make sure to enter the kilometres driven, how old the vehicle is, and all other features available. We also have a dropdown option so that it’s easier for you to enter these details.
  4. Rider rulesIf you want the rider to follow certain rules like maintaining a certain speed limit, or parking only in flat surfaces, please list the same.
  5. Add rental gearWould providing a helmet help the rider? Or riding gloves? If you have any spare gear available that can be included in your listing, add the same alongside your ride to offer a better experience.Tip 💡 Add discounts: Double your chances of landing a booking by adding a discount on your listing. Riders tend to naturally gravitate towards a low priced listing with a discount.
  6. Talk about yourself as much as you can / Don’t shy awayWhile creating your profile, be sure to add all relevant information about you. A good introduction can come a long way in adding credibility to your profile and meeting like-minded riders.
  7. Get socialLink your social media profiles to quell any doubts or concerns a potential rider might have about your vehicle or about your profile. Build their trust one social handle at a time.

Final step, add fairy dust (we mean just relax!)

Once you’re done polishing you’re listing all you’ll have to do is sit back and relax! Remember to put yourself in your rider’s shoes (or should we say helmets) and think about all the information they would need to make their booking without hesitating.

Once done, we will make your listing live in the next 12-24 hours. When a rider makes a booking, you’ll get a notification about the same. You can either accept or reject the rider based on their profile, timelines, etc.  

Want to edit a live listing? Got more questions? Check out our FAQs here or reach out to us at support@rentop.com to know more.

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